Ironed Words Productions 

YOUR story is important.

Every Story Is Important

Find your words and explore your creativity with others who share your passion.




Jump Start Your Writing

Give your writing a boost! Hear from a panel of published authors about the art and craft of writing. Get feedback on your writing and meet other avid writers.

Saturday, November 2 🔸 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. 🔸 South Hills, Pittsburgh

Register Here


Don't write alone! Experience the fun of camaraderie and support, and get invaluable feedback.

Join the writing group for five weekly sessions starting the week of 11/18/24


1️⃣ IN PERSON, Mondays, 6:00-8:00 p.m., South Hills

2️⃣ VIRTUAL, Wednesdays, 8:00-10:00 p.m, on Google Meet

Register he

Writing & Storytelling in Healthcare [VIRTUAL] Saturday, December 7 from 4:00 to 7:00 Eastern

A writing conference for healthcare professionals. Capture your unique medical experiences in words to express, process, heal, influence, and inspire.

Welcome to 

Ironed Words Productions!

Do you wonder what readers might think about the work-in-progress you've been writing?

Do you wish you had somewhere to try out the story that's been in your head?

Ironed Words Productions can help!

If you love crafting words, Ironed Words Productions can help you shape them!

Maria Simbra


Director & Principal of Ironed Words Productions, LLC

Award-winning author and medical journalist, as seen on KDKA-TV News | CBS Pittsburgh as Dr. Maria

I'll help you get your words steamed and pressed!

Find an event to help you meet your writing and storytelling goals.

Jump Start Your Writing

Do you have a new story, article, or book idea? Are you trying to advance or finish a writing project? Perhaps you're trying your hand at a new genre. Get a jump start! At Jump Start Your Writing, you'll receive inspiration, guidance, and camaraderie. Published authors will share advice to steer you toward your goal.

Savvy Writers Workshop

If you are a writer or author with an existing body of work, this is the event for you! Submit a piece of writing and receive feedback from a panel of published authors. Their insights on the art and craft of writing plus a writing prompt kick off the Savvy Writers Workshop, followed by a sharing session of submitted work and commentary from the panelists and group.

Business of Books

Your book is written! Now what? Learn about Your Path to Publishing and Marketing Your Book. A panel of experienced authors representing independent, hybrid, and traditional publishing will share their insights and wisdom in an evening roundtable discussion. Get exclusive access to the panel in a small group setting to get all of your questions answered.

The Conference Boutique

On-stage storytellers and authors preparing for book readings: get practice and polish your delivery to hook your audience at Rehearse Your Story

Screenwriters can explore craft and contemporary issues with a panel of experts and get feedback on a short screenplay at the Screenwriters Table. 

Write about and share your unique medical experience in Writing & Storytelling in Healthcare. Explore and process with the power of words.

Other focused workshops can be designed for your specific writing and storytelling groups.

Iron Writing Circle

Join other writers for support, accountability, and feedback with the Iron Writing Circle. Submit 1,500 words each week to the group for critique and meet in person to discuss everyone's writing. Each session begins with writing tips from the moderator. 

Virtual and Online

Ironed Words’ virtual offerings include Alpha/Beta Notes (submit up to 50,000 words for detailed feedback from a panel of published authors), The Vella Course Online (publish your book even before it’s finished AND EARN MONEY as you write), and Interview Prep for Authors (practice with a former TV news journalist before you do your book talk, podcast, or media interview).

You're in Good Company

Hello! I'm Maria Simbra, the director and principal at Ironed Words Productions, LLC. I love good words, and I bet you do, too. The way they feel under your fingertips as you type them. The way they zing through your brain as you read or hear a well-crafted passage. The way they roll off your tongue as you speak them aloud.

If you love good words, you're in good company.

I'm a memoirist on page and on stage, where I chronicle my careers in medicine and television news, my unusual path to motherhood, and other moments of my times. My words on page appear in lit mags, such as Door Is A Jar, Page & Spine, The Grief Dialogues, Hags on Fire, Sad Girl Review, and The Twin Bill, as well as in the Wolfsinger Publications' Us/Them Anthology. You can read my memoir compilation, Just a Moment of My Times, on Kindle Vella. My words on stage have been heard around Pittsburgh at the Moth StorySlams, Bricolage's WordPlay, and Steel City Storytellers' Just Sayin'.

Come find your words and your story along with me and others who share your passion.

Don't FAIL...

...with words that are





...with words that are